
To achieve all of the benefits associated with mechanical insulation, end-users must do more than simply mechanically insulate their facilities, they must also maintain them on a regular basis

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To achieve all of the benefits associated with mechanical insulation, end-users must do more than simply mechanically insulate their facilities, they must also maintain them on a regular basis.

An improperly maintained mechanical insulation system will not provide the benefits of a properly designed and installed system. In fact, an improperly maintained system can introduce serious problems into the facility they were intended to protect and preserve, such as: growth of mold and accumulation of condensation.

These issues can lead to corrosion of mechanical systems, health hazards to personnel and occupants due to mold dispersal, and complete system decay. After you have made the decision to mechanically insulate, it is imperative that you pick a qualified contractor to perform maintenance on your mechanical insulation systems.

Green-Factory with Leaves in Smoke Stack IconGreen Building

By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, end-users can increase carbon credits. Reducing energy, reducing emissions, and increasing the availability of carbon credits are all benefits of mechanical insulation.